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Diaspora: Chuvash Language Club In St. Petersburg

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑр
Šyravşă 08.04.2015 09:04 | 2674 views

The St. Petersburg Chuvash national culture autonomy runs a fairly successful Chuvash language club.

The members of the club gather together on Wednesdays in the national literature library, among them are Chuvash expats and their children residing in St. Petersburg.

Not long ago a language festival took place in the city. Ekaterina Danilova presented Chuvash to the audience of 450 people.

The viewers observed the softness of Chuvash sounds, and the song-like melody of it. Language enthusiasts asked many questions about the Turkic influences and foreign loans in the language, about the similarity of old Chuvash script with runes and the place of traditional script-like embroidery in today's life. Ekaterina felt sorry that the hour appointed for Q&A was not enough to answer all the questions.

#Chuvash, #St. Petersburg, #Language, #Club, #Festival



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