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News: News

reflejo 22.11.2005 20:09 | 2348 views
250 swans perished in the delta of Volga River of bird flu
Bird flu caused deaths of 250 grey swans in the delta of Volga River. As Head Veterinarian of Astrakhan Region Alexander Vasilyev informed, citing the results of analyses of the Saratov interregional laboratory, first deaths of the birds were spotted a week ago.

As a preventive measure, all the battery farms in the region have been closed since November 22. The local department of the Emergency Ministry proclaimed the rolling part of Volga delta a quarantine zone. The area Krylatskoe-Baradzinskoe, where the bird plague continues, is under close surveillance of epidemiologists.

Astrakhan Governor Alexander Zhilkin called the region’s residents to refrain from hunting and eating game because of the danger of a bird flu epidemic. The governor is sure, that the workers and proprietors of hunting grounds do not realize the difficulty of the situation hoping that bird flu will not come from the eastern regions of Russia



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