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Politics: 20th Anniversary of Declaration of Chuvash Sovereignty celebrated

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑр
Šyravşă 21.10.2014 18:03 | 5089 views

At the event. Unofficial Chuvash flag at the background

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24. N. Lukianov, the Chairman of the Volga and Ural Nations' Assembly, O. Tsyplenkov, leader of Suvar Youth Association, V. Abramov, representative of Chuvash National Congress (CNC), A. Kipec, leader of CNC's Council of Seniors, famous painter Vitti Praski, members of Hastar Association and others gathered in Cafe Staraya Ploschad near Cheboksary Bay. Guests from other regions of Russia and foreign countries also joined the event.

Gathered people recalled and remembered the early steps of Declaration of Sovereignty which was ratified by the Supreme Soviet of Chuvash ASSR, its past and present relevance to the situation in Chuvash Republic.



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