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News: News

reflejo 24.10.2005 18:46 | 2399 views
The Chuvash gymnast has won a stage of the Cup of the world in Studgardt
A well-known sportsman of our republic Anatoly Vasilev became the champion in a vault at a stage of the Cup of the world on gymnastics in Germany. Another stage is held Galsgow, United Kingdom.

Anatoly is the master of sports of the international class, the student of Dmitry Apateva. Trains in gymnastics school of the Ministry of Sport of Chuvashia. He is a student of Physical Training Department of the Chuvash State Teacher's Training University named after Ivan Yakovlev, Cheboksary.

In the beginning of October the 20-years old sportsman has won two awards - in the championship of Russia on sports gymnastics in separate kinds of multiathlon and the Cup of Russia in multiathlon and became the champion in vault and in exercises on a crossbeam and has joined the team of sportsmen who prepare for the world championship on sports gymnastics which takes place in the end of November in Australia.



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