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Chuvash Language: Chuvash Language Camp in July

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑрYou can also read this news in English
Šyravşă 19.06.2015 19:13 | 2748 views
Chuvash Language

The Sixth Annual Chuvash language Camp "Haval" will take place on July 5-12. Participants willing to learn about Chuvash language, culture and traditions will camp in Surskie Zori resort in Jetӗrne (Yadrinski) rayon.

Lessons of Chuvash will be given by experienced teachers. 7 to 12-year-old kids will enjoy a special program. Classes on national embroidery, singing and dancing will also take place. Sports activities will be able to go swimming and play football or volleyball. Many other activities are planned as well.

The camping fee is only 700 roubles ($12) if you sign up before June 24, or 100 rubles if you sign up at the site. Accommodation and meals are not included. For more details, please, contact Haval: +7 8352 68 50 51 (Aleksandr).

#Chuvash, #Camp, #Language



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