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Art: New Season Premieres Insomniacs

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑрYou can also read this news in English
Šyravşă 24.09.2015 14:21 | 5629 views

The Chuvash State Drama Theater named after Constantine Ivanov has launched its new 98th season. The opening play this year is 'Constantine Ivanov' (Hot Blooded Gentle Soul), which replaced the theater's first opening choice for many years, the all-company-involving crowded play 'In the Village' (Ялта). The season's premiere follows almost immediately.

The comedy 'Insomniacs' (Ыйӑх ҫухатнисем) was written by playwright Nikolai Terentiev and staged by theater's own actor with an honorary title given by the Republic, and Chuvash Republic Youth Award winner Valerii Karpov. Art direction is by Ludmila Sidorovs. Theater-goers are invited to see the new play on September, 30th.

The love comedy tells the happiness stories of loving couples. Gennady and Luba imagine happiness as an adventure to diamond mines together, Peter and Olga's symbol of happiness are a tractor and lots of corn to harvest in the field... But parents Martha and Lavren Vasilch want to become relatives by marrying off Luba and Peter to make lots of money selling apples from a huge apple orchard. They don't care if Peter and Olga love each other or have a different view on happiness.

The Chuvash Drama theater is a wonderful place to train Chuvash, equipment is also provided to hear simultaneous translation in Russian.

#Premiere, #Comedy, #Theater



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