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Culture: Aptӑra Festival

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑрYou can also read this news in English
Šyravşă 07.10.2015 15:45 | 6044 views

On October 17 in Cheboksary Chamber Theater a new festival will take place - Chuvash and Udmurt Cultures 'Aptӑra Fest'.

This is something new for Chuvashia. Our neighbors - the Udmurts - are much ahead of us in design, electronic music and maintaining ethnic city culture. The reverse side of art and culture, however, is much more developed in Chuvashia.

So Chuvash and Udmurt have something to teach each other. The festival events include Chuvash Fine Art Exhibition, literature lectures, concerts, fashion shows and dance parties.

The Fine Art exhibition will feature artists Praski Vitti, Vladimir Ishutov, Igor Ulangin, Georgiy Fomiryakov. Literature lectures will be by Bogdan Anfinogentov (Udmurtia), Dmitriy Vorobyev (Chuvashia), Alesha Prokopiev (Chuvash Moscow), and Iosif Trer (Chuvashia).

The notable pop acts participating are Şilarman (Chuvashia) and 'Dukes' (Udmurtia).

#Festival, #Udmurt, #Moscow, #Literature, #Art, #Praski, #Trer



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