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Events: Sӑvar Fund Celebrates Şӑvarni

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑрYou can also read this news in English
Šyravşă 10.03.2016 12:03 | 7116 views
Events Jupa pole on the left, activists holding a Suvar foundation flag
Jupa pole on the left, activists holding a Suvar foundation flag

In cafe Şӑlkuş, which is in the same building with Chuvash National Congress in Cheboksary activists of Sӑvar celebrated Chuvash traditional holiday of Şӑvarni (coincides with the Russaian Maslenitsa carnival).

The meeting began with the veneration of ancestors near a jupa (wooden pole) installed in the Cheboksary Arbat. Bread was broken and prayers were read. Then the assembly proceeded into the cafe where before the feast Alran Kaimi hymn was sung.

The gathered discussed the current problems of Chuvashity such as the effects of the removal of the word "State" from the republic's constitutional law.


Şӑvarni [Shuh-var-NEE] is an ancient pagan Sun-adoration festivity preceding the Mӑnkun festival (source:

#pagan, #Suvar, #nationalist, #holiday, #Alran Kaimi, #foundation, #Şӑvarni



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