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Chuvash Language: Bilingual Parallel Corpus for Chuvash and Russian

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Šyravşă 10.03.2016 16:59 | 6652 views
Chuvash Language

Chuvash People's Site just launched a new webpage - it's a parallel corpus for the Chuvash language. Its principle goal is to collect accurately translated texts in Chuvash and Russian and by using them to help create a Chuvash-Russian or Russian-Chuvash translator. The collection of such texts is what's behind the famous online translator like Google and Yandex etc.

As of now the corpus contains around 100 texts, mostly newspaper publications - news and articles - from Hypar, Şamrӑksen Haşacӗ, Cӑvaš Hӗrarӑmӗ etc. Together with parallel texts from there are more than 3 thousand sentences and 40 thousand words. A little more than 800 are translated, which makes about 10 thousand words.

Chuvash-Russian parallel texts are labour-intensive and the site welcomes user contributions from those who engage in Chuvash-Russian tranlsations.

Visit the site using this link:

#translation, #automatic, #linguistic, #tool, #website



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