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News: News

reflejo 21.12.2005 21:57 | 2700 views
Children-orphans from Chuvashia will Meet Christmas in Sweden
33 pupils of Poreckij(Parachkav) Boarding School have gone to Sweden where they will spend their Christmas Holiday. As the Administartion of Poreckij (Parachkav) rayon informed IA Regnum, it became possible owing to the help of the charitable Swedish organization which is a part of "Tretyak-center" Society. "Tretyak-center" is established by the deputy of the State Duma of Russia Vladislav Tretyakov and Swede Stig Nilson, who used to be the chairman of Federation of Hockey of Sweden. "Tretyak-center" consists of nine associations, each of which cooperates with certain children's homes. Pupils of Boarding Schools go on Christmas and Summer Vacations to Swedish families. The also organization renders Boarding school and children financial support. For example, they have equipped a bath for a boarding school, equipped the laundry with Electrolux washing machines, supplies with footwear and clothes from Sweden.

Children's trips to Sweden are paid by the families inviting children. Children constantly correspond with their Swedish "parents". Swedish and Russian authorities make strict demands to those families, therefore all families pass the most rigid control.



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