Sӑvar Fund

The aim of Sӑvar fund is to collect voluntary contributions and donations in order to be used for:
- The preservation and development of national culture, language, traditions and customs of the Chuvash people;
- Initiation of the population to the values of the Chuvash national culture;
- Financing of investment projects of individuals and entities aimed at the development of the Chuvash culture;
- The strengthening of inter-ethnic harmony and peace, unity and integrity of the Russian Federation.
Website: Сувар Фонд
Traditional Belief Organization Tura (Turӑş) 
In 1994 a religious organization Turӑş was registered, which nowaday brands itself also as Halӑh Inemӗ, Inem is registered in Cheboksary, its existence is largely inspired and maintained by sculptor Fedor Madurov an his son Dmitrii[M], who is PhD in History of Arts and also a sculptor[Dm], as well as many Chuvash painters, artists, writers and intelligentsia.
The group has also started to define themselves as ethnic Suvar.
Website: Сувары
Facebook: Инем
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Last edited by: Å yravÅÄ, 2016-03-10 12:32:36. Views 4105.