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Russia: Chuvash Oligarch Sentenced to 6 Years in Prison

Šyravşă 26.02.2015 20:28 | 4378 views
Russia Corrupt Chuvash Oligarch Ischin
Corrupt Chuvash Oligarch Ischin

The Supreme Court of the Chuvash Republic upheld the verdict of the Moscow district court of Cheboksary imposed against the former businessman and former deputy chairman of Cheboksary City Assembly Vladimir Ischin.

Former oligarch Chuvashia was sentenced to six years in prison. Once ranked among the richest people of Chuvashia, Ischin was found guilty of attempted fraud on a large scale.

Investigation Division of Federal Security Service of Russia in the Chuvash Republic and the court found that at the beginning of January 2014 Ischin became aware of the litigation Construction Company "Firm TriAsS" (hereinafter - LLC "TriAsS") with prosecutors and others. He asked one of the representatives of the said construction firm and offered him a bribe of 10 million rubles (2 million rubles in cash and 3 apartments with a total value of 8 million rubles) to phase out the prosecution of claims against "TriAsS" associated with building Cheboksary neighborhood "Sugutka."

January 30 last year Ischin under the guise of an intermediary received from the representative of "TriAsS" part of a bribe of 1 million rubles. On February 22 when transferring the remainder of illegal remuneration Ischin was detained by officers of Federal Security Service of Russia in the Chuvash Republic.

#Fraud, #Russia, #Bribe, #Corruption



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