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Environment: Chuvashia improved its environmental rating ...

Solar Panel Manufacturer improved Chuvashia 01.04.2015 12:25 | 2749 views

Chuvashia improved its environmental rating among federal subjects of Russia. In 2014-2015 charts prepared by non-governmental organization Green Patrol the republic is 9th of 85 subjects, a four positions leap from #13 last year.

The main environmental event of the winter happened in the city of Novocheboksarsk where a full-cycle solar panel manufacturing plant was launched, the first of its kind in Russia. This influenced the industrial environmental index of the region despite economical difficulties the country is facing, according to the environmentalists.

The ecological rating is formed from three indices: environmental protection, industrial environmental impact, social ecology.

Also Read

#ratings, #Chuvashia, #Novocheboksarsk, #industry, #ecology, #solar



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