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Accidents: Violently Attacked for Speaking Chuvash

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑрYou can also read this news in English
Šyravşă 24.05.2015 12:44 | 3262 views

Irӗklӗ Sӑmah newspaper informs that a group of young men was violently attacked in the South West (Yugozapadnyi) District of Chuvash capital Cheboksary for just approaching another group of youth in Chuvash according to investigators of Chuvash Ministry of Interior Affairs.

The press release was published on May 20, while the crime took place on May 11. Young men who came to Cheboksary from Vӑrmar district of Chuvashia addressed a group of peers to borrow cigarettes in Chuvash languages. Victims claim the offenders didn't like being approached in Chuvash and waited outside while the Varmarians shopped in a nearby store, attacked them once they got out, beat and robbed them.

One of the Chuvash-speaking victims ended up with a broken nose, the other with head injuries and a jacket with identification documents taken away. Criminal Investigation Department identified the attackers and one of them was arrested and detained on May 19.



Süer Eker // 3429.86.2428
2015.06.12 06:45
I condemn these agressors... To speak in the native speak is a natural right...


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