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Internet: Chuvash Symbol of IT, Fido and Internet has passed away

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Šyravşă 17.09.2015 10:09 | 2544 views
Internet Igor Yakovlev
Igor Yakovlev

Yesterday Igor Yakovlev, a very well known man in the world wide web passed away. He is best known for his work in Na-Svyazi website and the Chuvash Government Web Administration. For his outstanding skill and creativity he has been nicknamed the Chuvash Symbol of IT, Fido and Internet by a Na-Svyazi user 'remark'.

Igor Yakovlev was the leading specialist in deeloping Fido network in Chuvashia and for many years managed the IT projects of Chuvash Presidential Administration. Never short of new ideas he was also very kind, open-hearted and always ready to help.

It will not be a mistake if we say that it was Igor Yakovlev who successfully launched the exemplary (by Russian standards) portal of Chuvash governmental bodies, he used his position of administrator to help improve transparency of government activities.

'Because we live in Chuvashia we wanted to produce in Chuvash as well as Russian. We added Chuvash fonts and language support. And the audience increased,' he said in a documentary about the web portal.

Recently Igor was involoved in Na-Svyazi network. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning in Cheboksary.

#Na-svyazi,, #IT



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