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Chuvash Language: Finally here iPod and iPads with Chuvash

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Šyravşă 31.01.2016 14:36 | 6245 views
Chuvash Language

For the owners of iPhone and iPad gadgets Chuvash keyboard layout is prepared. When entered into the system it can work in any application. The keyboard has two variants - light and dark.

The keyboard application is available for download at iTunes store. It's a paid app, priced at 149 roubles.

The keyboard was developed by Andrey Fetisov and released on December 29 last year. The Chuvash keyboard requires iOS 8.0 or later operation systems.

Let us remind that for Android owner many variants of Chuvash keyboard layout are available for free. For instructions, please refer to this page.

#Keyboard, #language, #technology, #iPhone, #Apple, #iPad



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