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News: language

Chuvash Language

For the owners of iPhone and iPad gadgets Chuvash keyboard layout is prepared. When entered into the system it can work in any application. The keyboard has two variants - light and dark.

The keyboard application is available for download at iTunes store. It's a paid app, priced at 149 roubles.

The keyboard was developed by Andrey Fetisov and released on December 29 last year. The Chuvash keyboard requires iOS 8.0 or later operation systems.

Let us remind that for Android owner many variants of Chuvash keyboard layout are available for free. For instructions, please refer to this page.


Chuvash Language

Chuvash Social Organization Haval published a huge collection of Chuvash study books. The archive is accessible is here

The collection includes more than 50 books in Chuvash and Russian from as early as 1772, while some provide fundamental theory of the language, other are manuals, text, phrase and work books. The preson responsible for digitizing the library is Artem Fedorinchik, member and coordinator of Haval.



Speaking Chuvash saved a man. Or rather, helped him get back money stolen from him.

On February 2 a criminal case was initiated against a taxi driver, 53. who appears to have tried to rob his passenger.

Investigators state the criminal, Kazan city resident of Azerbaijani decent, was booked by a man, 32, travelling from Kazan to Vӑrmar on December 21.

The passenger took the front seat, paid upfront and dozed off. The cab driver took full advantage in this situation, pulled out the passengers wallet and snaffled 47.000 rubles (app. $1000).

The passenger became aware of the loss upon awaking, asked the driver to return the money. To which the driver responded by pretending not knowing anything about the strange disappearance. Avoiding further confrontation the passenger simply telephoned Police and made his comlaint in Chuvash. When the unsuspecting cabman drove into gas station the police were quick to arrest him and found the lost money hidden in his socks.


Speaking Chuvash saved a man. Or rather, helped him get back money stolen from him.

On February 2 a criminal case was initiated against a taxi driver, 53. who appears to have tried to rob his passenger.

Investigators state the criminal, Kazan city resident of Azerbaijani decent, was booked by a man, 32, travelling from Kazan to Vӑrmar on December 21.

The passenger took the front seat, paid upfront and dozed off. The cab driver took full advantage in this situation, pulled out the passengers wallet and snaffled 47.000 rubles (app. $1000).

The passenger became aware of the loss upon awaking, asked the driver to return the money. To which the driver responded by pretending not knowing anything about the strange disappearance. Avoiding further confrontation the passenger simply telephoned Police and made his comlaint in Chuvash. When the unsuspecting cabman drove into gas station the police were quick to arrest him and found the lost money hidden in his socks.


Chuvash Language

Just before New Year a happy piece of news came from Paratype company — a new typeface was produced which includes characters of all minority languages in Russian Federation. Presently only one typeface is freely distributed - PT Sans.

PT Sans is developed among others for the official federal program aimed at assembling a collection of typefaces for use by businesses, government officials in the multilingual environment. According to the project's mission this will help spread and develop minor languages. Still in 2010 non-Russian nations face great obstacles in communicating in their languages. Every nation is coping in its own unique way. Users of Chuvash language have been trying numerous methods too: creating special fonts, mixing Cyrillic and Latin characters (present official standard in Chuvashia - CVLat blog), and some use Latin script.

The project is realized with the help of Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of Russia.

The typeface includes 8 fonts — 4 regular; 2 caption; 2 condensed.

In 2010 the work will be continued, PT Serif is promised to be distributed next.

CVLat Blog introduced a Chuvash adaptation which fits Chuvash standards. Available here: CVLat Blog



Just before New Year a happy piece of news came from Paratype company — a new typeface was produced which includes characters of all minority languages in Russian Federation. Presently only one typeface is freely distributed - PT Sans.

PT Sans is developed among others for the official federal program aimed at assembling a collection of typefaces for use by businesses, government officials in the multilingual environment. According to the project's mission this will help spread and develop minor languages. Still in 2010 non-Russian nations face great obstacles in communicating in their languages. Every nation is coping in its own unique way. Users of Chuvash language have been trying numerous methods too: creating special fonts, mixing Cyrillic and Latin characters (present official standard in Chuvashia - CVLat blog), and some use Latin script.

The project is realized with the help of Federal Agency on Press and Mass Communications of Russia.

The typeface includes 8 fonts — 4 regular; 2 caption; 2 condensed.

In 2010 the work will be continued, PT Serif is promised to be distributed next.

CVLat Blog introduced a Chuvash adaptation which fits Chuvash standards. Available here: CVLat Blog





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