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Accidents: Chuvash Newspaper Publisher Gets Beat Up

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Šyravşă 16.04.2016 13:01 | 7151 views

Edward Mochalov, editor-in-chief of Chuvash newspapers Sӗtev (Bribe) and Samana (Time) was beaten up during a raid on Sӗtev office which is based in Murkash region of Chuvashia.

A group led by local MP D A Kurakin raided the newspaper office at around midnight on April 9, thrashed it, broke windows, and physically harmed Mr. Mochalov. The victim believes the assault was motivated by somebody's dislike of what he has published in connection to them.

On April 15 past midnight, somebody threw a rock into Nikolai Makarov's house, who is the management administrator of Mr. Mochalov.

Both assaults were reported to the police, who the publishers complain of doing nothing to little about the raids and harassments.

Sӗtev (Bribe) is a grass-roots independent newspaper with high circulation. Edward Mochalov is a former businessman tuned "crusading journalist", who's brought up many cases of corruption by officials, and who is known nationalwide in Russia.

#Mochalov, #newspaper, #corrpution, #independent, #raid, #deputy



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