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Sports: Sergey Ivanov became the champion of Russia in run on 3000 m

reflejo 16.02.2007 09:59 | 4615 views

Sergey Ivanov won the Title of the champion of Russia in run for 3000 meters. The athlete finished the distance in 7 minutes 58.31 seconds. The third prize went to Aleksey Yefimov, Sergey's teammate, who conceded the champion a second. Both the athletes are trained by honored trainer of the Chuvash Republic Anatoly Petrov.

One more bronze medal in the championship of Russia was brought to the team of Chuvashia by the master of sports of the international class Tatyana Petrova, who showed the best world result last year on a distance of 2000 meters with obstacles. Based on the results of the championship the national team of Russian Federation will be formed for the championship of the Europe.

#Tatyana Petrova, #run, #Sports, #Sergey Ivanov



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