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Diaspora: On April 25 the finals ...

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑр
Šyravşă 28.04.2015 12:07 | 6758 views

On April 25 the finals of Nikrut Jurri (Recruit's Song) took place in Kazan People's Friendship House. The contest patronized by Chuvash National Cultural Center of Kazan, Chuvash Fraternity of Kazan, Tatarstan Chuvash Newspaper Suvar and was devoted to the 70th Anniversary of WW2 victory.

The regional rounds were held in Buinsk, Drozhanovsk, Aksubayevsk, Cheremshan regions of Tatarstan with more than 300 contestants taking part including solo artists, folk bands and vocal groups.

It is noteworthy that the tradition of singing recruit songs is very well kept. Of the 14 contestants in the final the folk band Havas from Akireevo won the judges heart and was awarded hand crafted Tula Harmon.

#contest, #song, #Tatarstan, #tradition



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