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News: tradition


Fund Suvar Celebrated Surhuri
 Šyravşă | 11.01.2016 13:15 |


In January Fund Suvar orgnaized a festive activity to celebrate Surhuri which is a traditional. The crowd that gatherer was greeted by the head of Suvar Fund Mr. Timӗr Tiapkin, while the ritual was led by ethnographer Vitalii Stanial. While reciting ritual supplications he asked participant to take from a round loaf of bread, started and asked participants to taste form the ritual beer ladle.

The festive tableful was presided by ethnographer Vitalii Stanial, painter Praski Vitti, and two ethnographers from Murkash region Martynov and Morozov. This year's Surhuri was attended by leaders of diaspora and Vladimir Bolgarskii of Moscow Chuvash Bulgar Association, the latter bought a painting from Praski Vitti.

The assembly ate a flavorful Kakai Šürpi (Pacha dish) and enjoyed Nikolai Fomiriakov's music, who played on various imstruments.

Chuvash Language Teachers' Association took big role in preparations, the most active of them received presents by accessory and jewelry designer Mikuş Paltai.


Surhuri is a traditional weeks-long festivity which may start as early as December 6th. It is associated with winter solstice as a pagan rite. The main participants are children and youth. In a custom similar to Halloween trick-or-treating they go asking for treats and ingredients for the ritual pea porridge and beer. Surhuri also coincided with Christmas and continued to as late as Epiphany and thus in northern regions it is the Chuvash name for Christmas and closely resembles Russian caroling traditions.



On April 25 the finals ...
 Šyravşă | 28.04.2015 12:07 |


On April 25 the finals of Nikrut Jurri (Recruit's Song) took place in Kazan People's Friendship House. The contest patronized by Chuvash National Cultural Center of Kazan, Chuvash Fraternity of Kazan, Tatarstan Chuvash Newspaper Suvar and was devoted to the 70th Anniversary of WW2 victory.

The regional rounds were held in Buinsk, Drozhanovsk, Aksubayevsk, Cheremshan regions of Tatarstan with more than 300 contestants taking part including solo artists, folk bands and vocal groups.

It is noteworthy that the tradition of singing recruit songs is very well kept. Of the 14 contestants in the final the folk band Havas from Akireevo won the judges heart and was awarded hand crafted Tula Harmon.



Liubov Petrushkina from the town of Şӗnӗ Tutarkassi, Shupashkar Chuvashia creates traditional Chuvash accessories: hushpu, tuhja, masmak… She's the head of local women's council and director of a singing club.

Liubov has had passion for handcrafts for her entire life. The first traditional headgear she made was her friends. After a few years she started working at the town's culture center. The vocal ensemble of the village needed costumes to perform in, and that's when Lubov's talent met real demand.

Other ensembles also want the beautiful creation's of Lubov. But she doesn't hurry to turn her very pleasurable hobby into a profitable business. Of course, handcrafted accessories are expensive, but she only makes them for her ensemble. And she never creates a hushpu for sale. It's just only when Chuvash pop artists come and see and fall in love with her work she lets them have the accessories for a reward.

Women of the town gather in the handicraft club Kil Ӑšši (Warmth of Home), where they can learn from Liubov.

Hushpu is a cylindrical hat, decorated with silver coins and beads, traditionally warn by married women over surpan, a scarf or a turban that had to cover their hair, masmak is a decorated headband worn instead of hushpu over or under the turban. Tuhja is a version of hushpu for unmarried women, unlike hushpu it's top is pointed and while it covered ears and forehead the hair of the maiden didn't have to be covered with turban.





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