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: Diaspora


Beer Festival In Moscow
 Šyravşă | 09.11.2015 13:57 |


On November 7 the Kransyi Oktyabr culture palace hosted the national festival of Chuvash called Kӗr Sӑri (Autumn Beer). It was organized with the help of Chuvash Autonomous organization in Moscow.

Some 500 people came to the celebration and enjoyed concert by Chuvash music artists and tasted Chuvash food.



On April 25 the finals ...
 Šyravşă | 28.04.2015 12:07 |


On April 25 the finals of Nikrut Jurri (Recruit's Song) took place in Kazan People's Friendship House. The contest patronized by Chuvash National Cultural Center of Kazan, Chuvash Fraternity of Kazan, Tatarstan Chuvash Newspaper Suvar and was devoted to the 70th Anniversary of WW2 victory.

The regional rounds were held in Buinsk, Drozhanovsk, Aksubayevsk, Cheremshan regions of Tatarstan with more than 300 contestants taking part including solo artists, folk bands and vocal groups.

It is noteworthy that the tradition of singing recruit songs is very well kept. Of the 14 contestants in the final the folk band Havas from Akireevo won the judges heart and was awarded hand crafted Tula Harmon.



On April 24, a day before the Chuvash Writing day, Chuvash culture and information center will open its doors in Russian Federation President's Plenipotentiary Representative Body of Chuvash Republic.

What are the objectives of the Chuvash Culture and Information Center? The primary mission is the preservation and development if Chuvash national traditions in collaboration with other Chuvash national and cultural associations.

In the Chuvash Culture and Information visitors may learn Chuvash language, songs and dances. It is also a place where one can find book about Chuvashia and Chuvash Republic periodicals including local ones.

The Address is:

Moscow, Bolshaya Ordynka Street, 46.

The opening ceremony is at 6 pm.



The Council of Chuvash Autonomy of Krasnoiarsk Krai of Russia has prepared to celebrate April 25 - The Chuvash Language Day (Christian Missioner and Teacher Ivan Yakovlev's birthday anniversary).

Among other events a conference will be held in commemoration of the date, a public lesson of Chuvash will be given, and a big concert of Chuvash pop stars will take place.

The conference will be devoted to topics of language and culture preservation in Krasnoyarsk, 3rd great assembly of the Council and celebratory events of the 25th anniversary if the autonomy will also be discussed.

Address: Krasnoyarsk, Prospekt Mettallurgov, 22.



The St. Petersburg Chuvash national culture autonomy runs a fairly successful Chuvash language club.

The members of the club gather together on Wednesdays in the national literature library, among them are Chuvash expats and their children residing in St. Petersburg.

Not long ago a language festival took place in the city. Ekaterina Danilova presented Chuvash to the audience of 450 people.

The viewers observed the softness of Chuvash sounds, and the song-like melody of it. Language enthusiasts asked many questions about the Turkic influences and foreign loans in the language, about the similarity of old Chuvash script with runes and the place of traditional script-like embroidery in today's life. Ekaterina felt sorry that the hour appointed for Q&A was not enough to answer all the questions.



On February 18, activists of Kazan's Husankaj Chuvash Culture Center welcomed Chuvash language researcher guests from Turkey.

Bülent Bayram, Ph.D., stated that it is easy for a turkophone to also acquire fluency in Chuvash. He first heard Chuvash spoken in the city of Kazan, it is there his interest in the language was sparked. Since then he even managed to produce a Chuvash-Turkish Dictionary.

Turkish researches aim to publish a collection of rare poems of famous poet Gennady Aygi who they claim have left in Turkey some poems in Chuvash and Russian. The book will be shipped both to Tatarstan and Chuvashia.

The assembly was held solely in Chuvash, attendees were impressed by the eloquence of Turkish delegates, considering the decline of Chuvash in Kazan.

Bülent Bayram, Ph.D. invited Chuvash youth to study in his university (Kırklareli University, Turkey) to strengthen the international relations.



Chuvash Bible Is Presented to Some
 Šyravşă | 23.04.2010 23:11 |

Diaspora Hypar

Chuvash Institute of Humanities celebrates the publication of Bible in Chuvash. On April 22 the book was presented to a cheering audience in the Chuvash Drama Theater.

The ceremony was dimmed by the absence of President of the Chuvash Republic Nikolay Fedorov, who supposedly felt insulted by the fact that the presentation of the sacred text in Chuvash was held controversially in Russian. His greeting speech was read by the Minister of Culture Roza Lizakova instead. The fact is especially salient for Nikolay Fedorov took great part in construction of many churches and temples in Chuvashia during his presidency.

The event has had vast coverage in Chuvash media. But its frankness is ambiguous. For instance, a pompous report of newspaper Hypar, published to website ran oddly and quite symbolically with an awkwardly flawed picture in which writer and translator Eva Lisina, sister of celebrated poet Gennady Aygi, and one of the most important contributors to the translation, is holding the book and as she's louring from under the brows her blinking eyes are blurred in what seems like a demonic image.

Missteps and oddities surrounding the publication of the Bible leave much room for improvement and hopefully in the future more copies of Chuvash Bible will be issued. While some will be able to enjoy the book others are afraid it will be unavailable to most of the Chuvash people (around 2 million, the overwhelming majority - Christian) as the mere 7000 copies won't go into stores but will only be distributed freely.

Chuvash Bible Resources Online

Russian Bible Society's Chuvash Bible

Russian Bible Society

PDF Download: Genesis **Russian Bible Society - Chuvash Bible - Genesis



Uljanovsk, Rossia: Ivan Jakovlev Museum in Uljanovsk celebrated its 15th anniversary. The event gathered leaders of Chuvash National Movement and deputies of City Duma. E. Kirjushkina, a 1937 graduate of Jakovlev School shared her recollections of her school years. A newly designed Postal Envelope was presented. It has the image of Ivan Jakovlev Museum, it was printed in Moscow with circulation 500 000.



Culhula (Nizhnij Novgorod), Rossia: The Chuvash people of this city gathered together to celebrate 10 years since establishment of Chuvash Union in Culhula.





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