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Events: Fund Suvar Celebrated Surhuri

Ку хыпарпа эсир ҫавӑн пекех Чӑвашла паллашма пултаратӑрYou can also read this news in English
Šyravşă 11.01.2016 13:15 | 6588 views

In January Fund Suvar orgnaized a festive activity to celebrate Surhuri which is a traditional. The crowd that gatherer was greeted by the head of Suvar Fund Mr. Timӗr Tiapkin, while the ritual was led by ethnographer Vitalii Stanial. While reciting ritual supplications he asked participant to take from a round loaf of bread, started and asked participants to taste form the ritual beer ladle.

The festive tableful was presided by ethnographer Vitalii Stanial, painter Praski Vitti, and two ethnographers from Murkash region Martynov and Morozov. This year's Surhuri was attended by leaders of diaspora and Vladimir Bolgarskii of Moscow Chuvash Bulgar Association, the latter bought a painting from Praski Vitti.

The assembly ate a flavorful Kakai Šürpi (Pacha dish) and enjoyed Nikolai Fomiriakov's music, who played on various imstruments.

Chuvash Language Teachers' Association took big role in preparations, the most active of them received presents by accessory and jewelry designer Mikuş Paltai.


Surhuri is a traditional weeks-long festivity which may start as early as December 6th. It is associated with winter solstice as a pagan rite. The main participants are children and youth. In a custom similar to Halloween trick-or-treating they go asking for treats and ingredients for the ritual pea porridge and beer. Surhuri also coincided with Christmas and continued to as late as Epiphany and thus in northern regions it is the Chuvash name for Christmas and closely resembles Russian caroling traditions.

#Suvar, #Paltaj, #Stanjal, #ritual, #Surhuri, #Sӑvar, #celebration, #foundation, #tradition, #


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