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Человек, который не может найти час в день для души - не человек.(Талмуд)


: Statistics


Kanash City's Women's Council held a conference devoted to the problem of fathers' who work outside of the state reuniting with their families.

It was announced at the forum that 26% of men work outside of the republic according to recent statistics. It was stressed that children grow up without seeing their fathers for months and months.

The fact that a Father Advisory Body aiming to strengthen family ties and increase father's role in children's upbringing was created in Kanash was also mentioned.

A spouse's working outside of the republic is one of the reasons for divorce - which, by the way, Chuvashia is notorious for, with 80% of all marriages dissolving in court - number one figure in the Volga region.

It should also be mentioned that Chuvashia's Employment Office sent 150 Chuvash citizens outside of the republic for work opportunities.



 reflejo | 14.02.2006 01:01 |


In Chuvashia birth rate has decreased on 2.9%, death rate has grown on 2%

13161 were born and 19704 died in Chuvashia last year, infroms Chuvashstat (Statistics Organization). In comparison with 2004 birth rate has decreased on 2.9%, death rate has increased on 2%.

The common reasons of death of the citizens are diseases related to blood circulation (50.7%), accidents, poisonings and traumas (17.3%), new growths (9,7%) and diseases of respirational organs (9%). In 2005 104 babies under 1 year died.

8443 marriages and 4378 divorces are registered. The number of marriages has increased in comparison with 2004 on 630, or on 8.1%, the quantity of divorces has decreased on 667, or on 13.2%.

Source: Regnum





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