A Ă B C D E Ě F G H I J K L M N O P R S Ş T U Ü V Y Z C chan bell; barrel, vat
chap news, fame;
chapa tuh become famous
chaplă famed, famous; fashionable
char to hold back, stop, prohibit, forbid;
charăn intr to restrain oneself, hold oneself back, stop
charănu noun stop, halt, termination
Tepĕr charănu Naci Biblioteki The next stop is National Library charshav veil, scarf, curtain
charu noun restraint, constraint, prohibition, obsticle
chas quick; soon;
chasah quick, quickly; soon
chashăk (Russ.) cup
chashlattar to go ‘sh-h-h!‘; of sled runners, to make a noise in the snow, to hiss
chav to dig
chavsa elbow
chăm to dive under
chăn true, truth; chănah trulj, indeed
chăt to endure, hold out, last
chăvash Chuvash, pertaining to Chuvash or Chuvashia;
chăvashla Chuvash (adjective), in the Chuvash language
chechek flower; checheklĕ colorful
chert‘ozhnik (Russ.) draftsman
chej tea;
chejnĕk (Russ.) teapot
chĕkeş the swallow (bird)
chĕlĕh cord, band; the vocal cords
chĕlhe tongue, language
chĕn to invite, call;
chĕnter to have invited
chĕntĕrle to adorn with carving (especiallj wood)
chĕr I knee;
chĕrkuşlen to fall on one‘s knees
chĕr II draw, scratch
chĕre heart
chĕrĕ live, alive; chĕrĕl- to come alive
chĕriklet to squeak, creak
chĕtre to shake, shiver, tremble, vibrate
chĕvĕ noise, sound (of anj sort)
chi very, most;
chi lajăh very good, excellent
chik to stick, to stick in
chikĕ border, edge; inside, interior, insides (especially of a living person);
chiper good, respectable
chirkü church
chirlĕ sick, ill
chital‘nja (Russ.) reading room
syn. vulavăsh chylaj much, great, a lot
chlen (Russ.) member, part
chukun (Russ.) iron, cast iron;
chukun şul ‘iron road‘, railway, railroad
chul stone
chun spirit, soul
chup to run
chup tu to kiss (lit. ‘to make a kiss‘)
chusta dough
chuh time, once, suddenly, for a time; “at the time when,“ as an accusative without suffix; chuhne ‘at its time‘ = when, at the time when…
chuhĕ so much, so many
chüreche window
chühen to pour over oneself; to wash