A Ă B C D E Ě F G H I J K L M N O P R S Ş T U V Y Z M maccha ceiling; roof (of mouth)
makăr- to cry, weep, bewail
mal front, fore
malta forward
malalla forwards
maltan previously, before, at first
mamăk cotton
manăn mine, my (genitive of "I")
mar negative article occurring before verbs: no, not
mart (Russ.) March
syn. Push matematika (Russ.) mathematics
matka (Russ.) old woman
maj (Russ.) Maj
syn. şu
majĕpen slow
majlash to be constructed, formed, organized; go back to normal, become orderly
majsăr quite, fiercely,
măkăn‘ poppj
mărlat to purr
mărje smokestack
măshăr pair, twain
măshărlan to marry
măshărrăn in pairs
măj neck
metall (Russ.) metal, metallic
mĕn what?;
mĕnle having what?, what sort; that waj, so, like that;
mĕn te pulin something, anything;
mĕnle te pulin however it may be, somehow
mĕnpur total, assembled, whole, entire
mĕnshĕn why, for what?
mĕnshĕn tesen because
mĕsker what sort of person or thing?
ministerstvo (Russ.) ministry (government)
mişe how much?
mul property, goods, belongings
Muskav Moscow
Muşşa Mussja (proper name)
muhta to praise, glorifj;
muhtavlă glorious, reknowned
muzyka (Russ.) music