A Ă B C D E Ě F G H I J K L M N O P R S Ş T U Ü V Y Z T ta and, or
ta particle makes interrogatives indefinite
tabak (Russ.) tobacco
takam someone, anjone
taka ram
takăr even, flat
talăk day (a period of twenty-four hours; night and daj), a cicle
tan-tan-tan onomatopoetic word
tan even
tanlashtar to compare
tapran to move oneseif
tar I sweat
tar II to flee
taran postposition up to
tarăn deep;
tarănăsh deepness, depth
tarla to sweat
tarşă servant
tasa clean;
tasal to clean oneself
tasat to clean;
tasalăh cleanliness
taşta somewhere;
taştalla to somewhere
tashă dance;
tashla to dance
tat to rip, pluck, snap, tear; pick
(flowers, etc.) tata and, still yet;
tatah again, moreover, too
tatăk piece; ripped, torn
tavar goods, wares
tavăr to turn around; to take revenge;
tavrăn to return;
tavărăn- to come back, return
tavlash to quarrel
tavlăk See
talăk tavra postposition: around
tavşăr to perceive, understand, presume
tavşărullă ingenious
tahăşĕ someone
tahăşan sometime
taj to weigh
tăk to pour, to inflict (a loss)
tătăh widow, widower
tăn consciousness
tăpra ground, soil, dust, earth
tăr to stand, be located; to be; to get up
tăran to satiate, eat one‘s fill
tără top, summit, apex
tărăsh to try, strive; busy oneself, be industrious, diligent;
tărăshni striving, endeavour
tărat to cause to stand; to move, propose
tărăh postposition: along, by, according to
tări skylark, lark
tărri top
postposition upon, above, on top of
tăs to stretch out to, extend;
tăsat to extend
tăshman enemy
tăv see
tu tăvan native indigenous
tăvar salt
tăvattă, tăvată, tăvat four;
tăvatkal square, quarter
tăvăl storm, windstorm
tăvu accusative case
tăhăn to put on, to don
tăhărvună, tăhărvunnă ninety
tăhhăr, tăhăr nine
te I or, indeed (often emphasizes the preceding)
te II to say, to have an opninon
tek onlj, just
telej luck, fortune, happiness
temĕn something, somewhat;
temĕn chuhlĕ so much, so many;
temĕnle any, some sort;
temĕsker someone, a certain one
temişe somewhat
tempek however much
temtĕrlĕ no small amount, quite a bit, greatlj, verj; not at all
tenkĕ ruble;
tenkĕlĕh an amount of rubles, — rubles worth
tepĕr next, other
teple somehow
tepre see
pĕrre... tepre... teri see
şav teri tert need, distress;
tertlĕ to be in need, distress
tese in order to, so that
tesen if
tetrad‘ (Russ.) notebook
tevet a Chuvash native garment, worn by girls to weddings
tehnik (Russ.) technician
tehnikum (Russ.) technicum, a Rossian higher technical school
tĕl place, spot; tĕl pul- to meet, encounter
tĕlĕk dream
tĕlĕn to be astonished, surprised, amazed
tĕlĕr to doze, drowse
tĕmeske hillock
tĕnche world
tĕp ground, base, chief, stem, root; tĕplĕn basicallj
tĕpche to question in detail, to examine, survey
tĕrlĕ various, different; tĕrlĕren various, different, variegated
tĕs color, form; pĕr tĕslĕ with one form, identical
tĕsh grain, kernel;
tĕshtyră huşalăh agriculture
tĕtĕm smoke
tĕtre cloud, mist, fog
tĕtrellĕ misty, foggy
tĕttĕm dark, darkness
tilĕ fox
timĕr iron (metal);
timĕrşĕ smith
tin just, then, only, not until;
tin şeş just now
tinĕs sea
tip to dry out;
tipĕ dry
tip pyr windpipe
tirpejlĕ orderly, carefully
tisker-kajăk predator (bird or beast)
tiv to concern, touch, fall to one‘s lot;
tivĕşlĕ fitting, proper, obliged
tije to load (a wagon or cart)
tymar root
tyră grain; tyrkas ground-squirrel;
tyrpul harvest, crop
tyt to hold, seize, set on, catch;
tytăn to get ready, to start, be on point of
traktor (Russ.) tractor
trest (Russ.) trust (financial)
trusy (Russ.) underclothes, slips, shorts
tu I mountain
tu (tăv) to do, make, finish, build; tutar- to have made, produce
tula out, outwards, outside, exterior; tulashĕnchi external
tulăh rich, abundant, plentiful
tultar to fill, fulfill
tumalli what is to be done, imminent, at hand
tumlan to dress
tumtir clothes, garments
tuna stalk, stem
tuntikun Monday
tup to find
tupsăm reason, existence, answer, solution
turam piece, bit
turat branch, twig
Tură God, god
turt to pull, draw; to smoke;
turtni pulling, drawing, smoking;
turtăn to strive pull toward
turtă shaft, pole
tus friend; tuslăh friendship
tuta lip
tută well, adequatelj, contentedlj, filled
tutăr cloth, shawl, kerchief
tuh to go out, come out; to rise (of the sun)
tuhtăr (Russ.) doctor
tuhu ablative case
tuj to feel, notice
tuja stick, staff, pole
tüle to pay
tülev pay
tüpe rooftop, ceiling, summit
türem even, smooth
tüs to stand, endure