A Ă B C D E Ě F G H I J K L M N O P R S Ş T U Ü V Y Z S sad (Russ.) garden
sakărvunnă eighty
sakăr, sakkăr eight
salan to fall apart, go apart, break in pieces, disband
salt to untie, loosen, unfasten
saltak soldier
samana time (the concept);
samant moment;
pĕr samant for a moment
samol‘ot (Russ.) airplane
sanăn your (genitive of
esĕ "you")
sapala to sow, scatter, pour, sprinkle
sară jellow; fair, blonde; beautiful (in folklore)
sarăl to extend oneself, enlarge
sarlaka wide, widelj;
sarlakash width, wideness, extent; latitude
sasan carp-fish
sasartăk suddenly
sasă voice, sound; vote;
sasă chĕlĕhĕ vocal cords;
sasă-chĕvĕ sound, noise, voice;
sasăla to vote;
sasălav poll
sahal little, few, shallow
sav to love
savăn to be happy
savăt container, holder
sajra thin, sparse
sămah word, speech; parable;
sămahran for example
sămsa nose
săn exterior, appearance, face, form, shape
săna to observe, notice
sănav observation; attempt, try
sănchăr chain, reins
săpka cradle
săra beer
săran skin, hide
sărt hill, mountain
săvăr marmot
săhmanlăh material for a caftan
sekretar‘ (Russ. ) secretary
sentjabr‘ (Russ.) September
syn. avăn -seren suffix meaning ‘each, every‘ as
kilseren every house,
şulseren annually
sehet watch; hour
sĕm-tĕttĕm pitch-dark
sĕr to grease, smear
sĕt milk
sĕtel table
shalt quite, verj
shan I to wither
shan II to hope
shanchăk hope
shap-shură snow-white
-shar suffix of numerals ‘each, per‘
shartla to crackle
shavla to rage, roar
shahmat (Russ.) chess
shăk urine
shăl I tooth
shăl II to wipe off, sweep; wash;
shălăn to wipe oneself off
shălt-shalt onomatopoetic words
shămlăh wonder, strange
shămatkun Saturday
shăn to freeze
shăna fly (insect)
shănkăr-shănkăr onomatopoetic words
shap same, equal, exact;
shăplan to be the same
shăp stillness, quiet
shăplăh stillness, quiet
shăpchăk nightingale
shăr to piss, urinate
shărat to melt, heat, smelt, pour
shărşa pearl, bead
shăshi mouse
shăt to grow, spring up, burst out (as of wheat)
shătăk hole, opening
shătărtat to crack, to make cracking noise
shăvar to water (animals), give water to
shăhăr to whistle
shăhlichĕ pipe, reed, flute
-sher see
-shar shevle flash of lightning
shĕlkeme breast buckle on Chuvash native costume
shĕnche for
ăshĕnche ‘inside,‘ “in its inside“
-shi particle: whether;
Kam-shi ku Who is this One?
shiklen to be afraid of, fear
shyra to seek
shyv water
shkap (Russ.) case, cupboard, drawer
shpal (Russ.) railroad ties
shkul (Russ. ) school
shpion (Russ.) spy, agent
shu to creep, glide, move
shultra great, large, big
Shupashkar Cheboksary, capital of Chuvashia
shură white
shut account, number, calculation;
shutla to calculate
shuhăsh opinion, thought;
shuhăshla to be of the opinion, to think
shujttan Satan, the devil
sik to spring, leap, jump;
sikkipe at a run;
sikkele to shake, move, frolic, gambol; twinkle
Silpi Silbi, name of the village in the poem Narspi
simĕs green
sir to remove, take awaj;
sirĕl to shun, avoid; drift, disperse, go away
sirĕn your (genitive of
esir ‘jou‘)
sis to feel, sense; sister- to make feel
sivĕ cold, frost;
sivvĕn coldly
sijenlĕ harmful
syltăm right
syp to bind, join; sypăk joint; link; chapter
syvă healthy
syval to get well
syvla to breathe; syvlăsh air, breath
syhla to guard, watch, keep, observe
-sker suffix, strengthens the preceding form or word, emphatic
sochineni (Russ.) composition
syn. hajlav sovet (Russ.) Soviet
sovhoz (Russ.) sovkhoz, state farm
srok (Russ.) time, time limit, deadline
starik (Russ.) old man
stat‘ja (Russ.) article (composition)
storozh (Russ. ) watchman, guard
scenă (Russ. ) stage (of theater)
student (Russ.) student, at universitj level usuallj
sudlash to have a trial at court
sukkăr blind
sulhăn coolness
suntal anvil
supăn‘ soap
surăh sheep
sut I sell; betray
sut II (also
sud) (Russ.) court (of justice)
suha plow;
suhala to plow
suhal beard; suhallă bearded
suj to lie (tell a falsehood)
sujla to choose, select, elect; sujlav election
sü to peel, flaj, strip
sjezd (Russ. ) conference, congress, assembly