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News: Yalchiki


Ardalion Ignatyev
 Šyravşă | 09.11.2015 14:13 |


One of the most talented people of Jelcӗk District of Chuvashia Ardalion Ignatyev was a famous Soviet athlete who competed in Melbourne Olympics in 1956 (won the bronze medal), European championships (Champion in 1954) and for many years held record scores in USSR.

Jelcӗk's People's Museum of Regional Studies invites everybody to an exposition called The Road to Achievements. It features photographs and interesting documents related to Ardalion's success. In the evening of November 24, the birthday of Ardalion Ignatyev, a memorial event will be held.



Children in Jelcӗk Save the Nature
 Šyravşă | 31.10.2015 18:22 |


Jelcӗk district is promoting love for nature preservation in Plant a Tree and Save It action in October. The organizers call people to love and save nature, make the environment green and beautify the villages.

On a sunny October day children of Jelcӗk school took part in the action by planting 90 birch and linden trees. The organizers of the action hope the example of Jelcӗk schoolchildren is an inspirational example for children in other schools of the disctrict.

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