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News: book


Sword of Tengri Makes a Second Cut
 Šyravşă | 16.04.2016 15:03 |


A new book is published by Chuvash Book Publishing House. It's a second book of a fantasy novel by Vladimir Stepanov called The Sword of Tengri. The first book enjoyed spotlight among books written in the quite popular genre which blends plots and themes of folktales, mythology and legends and borders with science fiction.

The book introduces a special ethnic Chuvash flavor to the fantastic category and identifies itself as ethofantasy.

The plot is based on the universal struggle of good versus bad. The protagonists are Ruslan Murovets and Hӑva (Willow*) who come to join the cosmic battle taking place in different time and place dimensions.

The novel takes you to the time when the Hunnic alliance - ancient ancestors of the Chuvash - has just been formed in the steppes of Central Asia.

The official presentations and signing will take place in the National Library (Cheboksary, Lenina 15) at 3 pm. on April 19.

* It is also worth mentioning that the actual recorded Chuvash name Hӑva is derivative of biblical Eve



On February 18, activists of Kazan's Husankaj Chuvash Culture Center welcomed Chuvash language researcher guests from Turkey.

Bülent Bayram, Ph.D., stated that it is easy for a turkophone to also acquire fluency in Chuvash. He first heard Chuvash spoken in the city of Kazan, it is there his interest in the language was sparked. Since then he even managed to produce a Chuvash-Turkish Dictionary.

Turkish researches aim to publish a collection of rare poems of famous poet Gennady Aygi who they claim have left in Turkey some poems in Chuvash and Russian. The book will be shipped both to Tatarstan and Chuvashia.

The assembly was held solely in Chuvash, attendees were impressed by the eloquence of Turkish delegates, considering the decline of Chuvash in Kazan.

Bülent Bayram, Ph.D. invited Chuvash youth to study in his university (Kırklareli University, Turkey) to strengthen the international relations.





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