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Chuvash Community Online

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 reflejo | 18.10.2005 22:52 |

X International Festival of Languages in Capital of Chuvashia
From October 16 to October 23 thr Xth Anneversary International Festival of languages is held in Cheboksary, the Capital of Chuvash Republic. The festival of languages will pass within the limits of the international youth cooperation.
Traditionally the program of the festival includes presentations of languages, international concerts, contestss for experts in linguistics and polyglots, meetings with interesting people, an exhibition of books in various languages and the educational literature. This years' guest of honour of the festival becomes Jean-Mark Lekler, French singer-polyglot who set record of Guinness: hiss repertoir consists of songs in 24 languages of the world. Specially for performance in Chuvashia Jean-Mark learnss a song in the Chuvash language.
The Festival has been annually held in Chuvashia since 1996 with the purpose of developing integrational processes of Chuvashia with foreign countries.
Each year the festival of international communication adds new ones to presentations of the languages unfamiliar familiar to people of Chuvashia. Last year there were presented 42 languages, about 1000 students and teachers, polyglots, and philologists took part.


 reflejo | 18.10.2005 22:49 |

Bronze Monument of Chuvash Educator Yakovlev in Ulyanovsk
The contest of monuments to the Chuvash educator Ivan Yakovlev held in Ulyanovsk, Russia is over. The winner is a sculptor from Chuvashia Vladimir Nagornov. According to Tatyana Tarasova, the main architect of Ulyanovsk, the work of Nagornov will be placed in the Kolyuchiy Sadik (Prickly Garden), which near the medical faculty Ulyanovsk State University. The garden, the name changed to Square of Ivan Yakovlev, will be equipped with modern conveniences: asphalt, lanterns, a fountain and a cafe.
Source: AiF-Chuvashia


 reflejo | 15.10.2005 21:46 |

The Brief Encyclopedia of Yalchiki (Yelchek) District has been published. In the long-awaited book the history, culture, economy of the area is reflected. It also gives brief information on famous people. It is the second book about the district of Yalchiki(Yelchek). There had been published the book Yelchek, which is in the Chuvash language, and authors decided to print the new book in Russian since the fellowcountrymen who now live outside the area and the Chuvash Republic are interested in history of their mother district. The encyclopedia becomes the reference book for regional specialists and for all those who are not indifferent to the destiny of the small district.


 reflejo | 15.10.2005 20:50 |

Welcome to the English Version of the Chuvash Site. This Web-site is devoted to the culture, traditions, language, history, people of the Chuvash. We've only started working and currently articles are being written and added to this site. If you have any contributions or you are interested in Chuvash, Chuvashia please feel free to contact us!

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