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 reflejo | 12.01.2006 18:36 |


National Library Celebrates 135th Anniversary

For National library of the Chuvash Republic 2006 is significant: the library will celebrate the 135th anniversary.

Within the limits of celebrating the 135 anniversary the National library plans to organize a number of actions for readers: meetings with writers and poets, presentations of new books, scientific conference "National library: Scientific Foreshortening", Day of Donator "Through the book - to goods and light", an anniversary celebration "In a Circle of Friends ", "Festival of the National Book ", exhibitions, etc.

For so long a history not only once did it change the name, the address, went through hard times, but always remained the leader of libraries of republic.



 reflejo | 12.01.2006 18:08 |

Tantăsh Newspaper Celebrates its 75th Anniversary

On January 12 it is 75 years from the date the first number of the republic youth newspaper "Pioner sаssi" ("Call of Pioneer"). Since 1931 on a regular basis the paper has been brouhgt to the houses of boys and girls of Chuvashia. In 1990 the newspaper was renamed "Tantăsh" ("Coeval").
The anniversary was celebrated in the Chuvash Puppet Theatre.


 reflejo | 21.12.2005 21:57 |

Children-orphans from Chuvashia will Meet Christmas in Sweden
33 pupils of Poreckij(Parachkav) Boarding School have gone to Sweden where they will spend their Christmas Holiday. As the Administartion of Poreckij (Parachkav) rayon informed IA Regnum, it became possible owing to the help of the charitable Swedish organization which is a part of "Tretyak-center" Society. "Tretyak-center" is established by the deputy of the State Duma of Russia Vladislav Tretyakov and Swede Stig Nilson, who used to be the chairman of Federation of Hockey of Sweden. "Tretyak-center" consists of nine associations, each of which cooperates with certain children's homes. Pupils of Boarding Schools go on Christmas and Summer Vacations to Swedish families. The also organization renders Boarding school and children financial support. For example, they have equipped a bath for a boarding school, equipped the laundry with Electrolux washing machines, supplies with footwear and clothes from Sweden.

Children's trips to Sweden are paid by the families inviting children. Children constantly correspond with their Swedish "parents". Swedish and Russian authorities make strict demands to those families, therefore all families pass the most rigid control.



 reflejo | 20.12.2005 22:45 |

Electronic Calendar of Important Dates Released in Chuvashia
State Archival Establishment of Chuvashia have for the first time prepared the electronic version of an annual calendar of significant dates "Chuvashia: Time. Events. People". It contains more than 160 articles on history of Chuvashia, its political, economic and cultural life. The information on the enterprises, establishments, the organizations, data on well-known people is presented. This work is accompanied not only with the factual nad biographic texts, but also with images of original archival documents, photos, illustrations, and also musical inserts. In the edition materials from funds of the State Historical Archive of Chuvashia, the State Archive of Modern History, Republic State Archive of Press, the State Archive Technotronnic Documentation, the Chuvash State Institute of the Humanities and Phonodocuments from funds of the Chuvash Radio are used.



 reflejo | 15.12.2005 17:59 |

The Elĕk region of Chuvashia has its Official Newspaper
On the 12th of December Elĕk (Элĕк) rayon administration of Chuvashia released the 1st issue of the newspaper «Аликовский вестник» (the Elĕk Herald), established by Elĕk rayon deputees. The official periodical was offered in 900 copies. The paper was designed to inform the Elĕkans of law and jurisdiction acts of the area.


 Reflejo2 | 13.12.2005 00:45 |

Sportsmen of Chuvashia have won three medals in European Championship on cross-country
The Chuvash sportsmen have won three medals in the championship of the Europe on cross-country in Tilburg, Netherlands. Lydia Grigorieva, 31, the master of sports of the international class of Russian female team won the gold prize. The junior female team of Russia in which there were two sportswomen of Chuvashia, won the third command place.


 reflejo | 02.12.2005 17:08 |

Literary Contest Opening New Names in Chuvashia
It is the third year Chuvash Ministry of Culture organize this contest.
Now contest works are being received from the participants. Only 8 of them have already handed in their creations. However, the court of jury and organizers of Opening New Names don't doubt the active participations of writers. The experience of last competitions showed that the peak of activity comes for one-two months before the end of the contest.
On April 25th, the day of birth of national poet Nikolay Shelebi the results will be declared.

Source: Regnum


 reflejo | 02.12.2005 16:47 |

75 years to the Chuvash state institute of the humanities

The Chuvash State Institute of Humanities has been organized in 1930. This unique scientific institute of the academic type in republic conducts research of theoretical and scientifically-applied problems of the Chuvash language, literature, folklore, history, archeology, ethnology, anthropology, art of the Chuvash and other peoples of Chuvashia.
44 employees, including 6 doctors and 23 candidates of sciences work on eight scientific departments and three laboratories of institute.
In 1980 the institute was awardede the Sign of Honour of the USSR.
Scientists of institute bring the worthy contribution to development of innovations to formation, preservation and augmentation of culture.



 reflejo | 22.11.2005 20:09 |

250 swans perished in the delta of Volga River of bird flu
Bird flu caused deaths of 250 grey swans in the delta of Volga River. As Head Veterinarian of Astrakhan Region Alexander Vasilyev informed, citing the results of analyses of the Saratov interregional laboratory, first deaths of the birds were spotted a week ago.

As a preventive measure, all the battery farms in the region have been closed since November 22. The local department of the Emergency Ministry proclaimed the rolling part of Volga delta a quarantine zone. The area Krylatskoe-Baradzinskoe, where the bird plague continues, is under close surveillance of epidemiologists.

Astrakhan Governor Alexander Zhilkin called the region’s residents to refrain from hunting and eating game because of the danger of a bird flu epidemic. The governor is sure, that the workers and proprietors of hunting grounds do not realize the difficulty of the situation hoping that bird flu will not come from the eastern regions of Russia



 reflejo | 21.11.2005 21:41 |

Alexander Konovalov Assigned New Plenipotentiary of President Putin in Federal District of Volga
Alexander Konovalov, the former public prosecutor of Bashkiria substituted Sergei Kirienko, the Plenipotenitiary of Putin in Volga District since the formation of Federal Districts in Russia in May, 2000. Sergei Kirienko appointed Head of Federal Agency on Atomic Energy.

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